Materials on this page are intended for public distribution. Anyone is welcome to download, distribute, and share images presented here for non-commercial uses. Please cred the "EIGER Collaboration" or "The EIGER Survey". For any commercial uses please contact us first.
Deep sky image of the J0100+2802 field

A pseudo-color JWST/NIRCam image in the field of the z=6.3 J0100+2802 quasar field. The three broadband images in F115W (blue), F200W (green), and F356W (red) are composite. The quasar is the red "star" at the center. A high-resolution version is available HERE (google drive).
Stamp images of [OIII] emitters

A compilation of pseudo-color stamp images of example [OIII]-emitters (3 arcsec on a side). They often look relatively "red" due to the strong [OIII] fluxes sampled in the F356W band images.
Grism spectra of [OIII]-emitters

Examples of stacked 2D spectra of [O iii]-emitters, shown in order of redshift from top to bottom. The [OIII]λ5008 line is marked by ticks. Taken from EIGER Paper I (Kashino et al.).
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